Contactless Service in the Hotel: With our integration partner Code2Order, we enable our customers to offer a comprehensive intelligent digital guest service.

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September 9, 2020
Code2Order & DialogShift

Together with CODE2ORDER, we combine our offerings to facilitate contactless service in hotels. The combination of CODE2ORDER's digital guest service solutions with our intelligent chatbot allows hotels to respond to guest needs immediately. For hotel guests, a digital and contactless self-service is created throughout the entire guest journey, with real-time information flow.

Through CODE2ORDER's digital travel companion, guests can not only check in and out contactlessly but also always have access to the chat via their smartphone. In the chat, guests can communicate with the hotel staff in real time. The live chat is complemented by our AI-supported chatbot, which can automatically answer recurring questions and navigate guests directly to the right places in the CODE2ORDER guest app, such as ordering an extra pillow, making the next booking, or reserving a table in the restaurant, and much more.

This significantly relieves the reception with the help of automation and self-service. Guests get easy access to information and services without delay. The solution is successfully used in several hotels, including some properties of the Plaza Hotelgroup. Both hotel guests and staff benefit – guests receive the correct information quickly, and hotel staff are relieved of administrative tasks.

The chat option in CODE2ORDER's digital companion is very well received and frequently used by guests, as chat is an intuitive, simple, and fast way of communication. We are used to chatting. Why shouldn't it be possible in hotels as well?

Video: DialogShift und Code2ORder im Einsatz

“Wir freuen uns sehr ĂŒber die Partnerschaft mit Code2Order. Mit der Kombination unserer innovativen Lösungen wird die digitale Guest Journey konsequent zu Ende gedacht. Hotels können eine noch stĂ€rkere Kundenbindung aufbauen, die Kommunikation automatisieren und einen optimalen kontaktlosen Service wĂ€hrend des Hotelaufenthaltes bieten,” sagt Olga Heuser, GrĂŒnderin und GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrerin von DialogShift, ĂŒber die Partnerschaft mit Code2Order.

Über Code2Order:

‍CODE2ORDER ist ein international tĂ€tiges Software-Startup aus Stuttgart, das Hotels dabei unterstĂŒtzt, den gesamten Hotelaufenthalt fĂŒr den Gast digital erlebbar zu machen und interne Prozesse zu automatisieren. Mit den digitalen Lösungen (Digitaler Check-in und Check-out, Digitaler Meldeschein, Digitale GĂ€stemappe, E-Mail Marketing) begleiten Hotels GĂ€ste entlang der gesamten Guest Journey.

Alle Lösungen basieren auf der neuesten Technologie der Progressive Web App, welche einen schnellen und einfachen Zugang ĂŒber jedes EndgerĂ€t ermöglicht und den Bring Your Own Device-Ansatz unterstĂŒtzt. Ohne zusĂ€tzliche App. Ohne teure Tablets. Aktuell setzen ĂŒber 1.900 Marken-, Individual- und Kettenhotels in ĂŒber 26 LĂ€ndern auf die fortschrittliche Lösung.

Das Unternehmen wurde 2015 von Patrick Luik, Fabian Hieber und Alexander Haußmann mit Sitz in Stuttgart gegrĂŒndet. 2018 wurde das Unternehmen mit dem Intergastra Innovationspreis ausgezeichnet.